Sampurna Gram Vikas Kendra

Empowering Communities, Building A Better Tomorrow

Panki Road, Redma, Daltongunj, Palamu - 822101, Jharkhand.

About Sampurna Gram Vikas Kendra

Sampurna Gram Vikas Kendra is a dedicated non-governmental organization Charitable Trust committed to making a profound impact on society. With a mission to uplift the underprivileged and marginalized communities, they tirelessly work towards creating a brighter, more equitable future. Their multifaceted initiatives encompass education, healthcare, environmental conservation, and socio-economic development.

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History Of SGVK

Sampurna Gram Vikas Kendra active in Palamu commissionaire of Jharkhand based in Daltonganj and has emerged from the Gandhian ideology in 3rd October 1991 after the society registration act 1961. The organization "Sampurna Gram Vikas Kendraā¯˛ has originated with the efforts of youths that were involved in social and economic movement during the era of Lok Nayak Jay Prakash Narayan in the year 1974 for Sampurna Kranti (Total Revolution). To combat the Underdevelopment State of the dalits, they tried for their betterment by organizing them under the network of Chhatra Yuva Sangharsh Vahini (CYSV) in 1974 and later on, CYSV got restructured with the involvement of local people as Mazdoor Kisan Sangharsh Vahini (MKSV) in the year 1987. Dalit Adhikar Suraksha Manch in year 2000. It is NGO network, which acts for Dalit and excluded community in Jharkhand. This was a fair trial by the youths involved to bring a movement for the betterment of downtrodden and deprived section of the society. In the mean while, it was felt that the socially just and non- exploitative society could be established through intervening for nos. of prevalent issues in integral way in the society. Consequently, the youth got registered the institution under Societies Registration Act in the year 1991. The organization is involved in the protection of rights and development of the weakest sections of the society, Dalit, Aboriginals, Back- ward classes women and children.

Organizational Belief

SGVK believes in secularism, democracy, equality and development of weaker sections. It has been thriving in the social campaigns and creative development programmes from the times of its initiation. It works for rights of marginalised sections and atrocities against Dalits and Adivasi communities. The organisation works with the objectives below

  • # To plan and arrange for the immediate eradication of basic problems prevalent in the nation such as poverty, illiteracy, superstitions, hunger etc.
  • # Development of cultivation, traditional and agriculture based village industries in order to reform and development of condition of poor villagers.
  • # Impart information and awareness to the people to aware them towards their rights and duties and train & support them to achieve self-employment on agriculture, ani- mal husbandry, education, industries for leading an ideal life.
  • # Organize and capacitate them to achieve their social, economical, cultural and secular society based on equality, brotherhood, solidarity, peace and justice.
  • # To create the environment for ensuring basic fundamental rights specific to education, health, livelihood and sustainable development for children, women, Dalit and tribal.
  • # To strengthen voluntary organization through networking, capacity building, lobbying advocacy and enhancing collaboration between Government and VOS.

Working Area

  • * Thematically, its work includes natural resource management, revival of traditional water harvesting systems, water sanitation and hygiene, rights of forest dwellers, digital literacy, and child help- line. SGVK Palamu has a good grassroots level presence, good performance under earlier partnerships with WHH, credible financial management as well as programme management capacities related to rural governance, advocacy on food and nutrition security and citizen's movements.

Mission & Vision

  • Mission Making basic human, fundamental and constitutional rights a reality to all the people without discrimination based on sex, religion, caste, class and gender.
  • Vision The organization is based on the ideologies of people centered development through village self governance by decentralizing the rights and responsibilities through people empowerment by incapacitating them so as to realize and exercise their rights and potentialities in establishing a caste-less, religion-less, secular and democratic society, based on equality, brotherhood, solidarity and socioeconomic justice, the modern peaceful constructive and progressive society of the Nation.

Products & Services

  • # Child rights and development (Trafficking, child rights, education, rehabilitation networking, social harmony etc.)
  • # Dalit empowerment (Atrocities, awareness)
  • # Drought Eradication: Land water and forest management and agricultural development
  • # WASH
  • # Panchayati Raj and Governance (Gram Sabha Strengthening, awareness and advocacy)
  • # Aahar Paine Study and renovation
  • # Zero Hunger Panchayat (NSK, CBMS, INRM, advocacy)

Our Core Team


Vinod Kumar

Co Founder (9431138956)


Gyan Chand Kashyap

Secretary (896928090)


Jawahar Jyoti

Member (6200120047)